Monday, September 04, 2006

went jogging with mummy yesterday!! its been awhile since the last time i jogged, yay!
had pizza hutz for dinner, so afforts from jogging is gone.

what's worse?! had our lunch at pizza hutz again for lunch. -.- the one and only reason why is because my 9 years old cousin likes pizza hutz.

for some reasons, i sent my mum and my 9 years old cousin to the airport today and i wasnt prepared to go to the airport at all.
anyway, it was my 1st time being to the budget terminal in Changi Airport. Its really simple there and like its name - budget.

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i'm kinda regret of not following them since i am doing nothing at home except rotting. cant imagine how am i to live 3 more weeks of similiar lifestyle. even tons of salt wont be enough to preseve mi with the rapid rate of rotting.

i better find a part time job asap!

才华,是什么? 它是天生的,还是我们辛苦求学和从不断努力锻炼下,所换来的? 我们需要它来照亮我们的前程吗?


对周围事物突然感到毫无兴趣的我,也便得管不住自己的感情世界了。况且,感情事不能只是一方面就管得了。如果[爱]是人们讲的那么简单,世界上就不会有那么多寂寞的人了。读不明白吗? 那算,我不想解析。

不要误会,也不要想太多, 我并不是在为感情事而烦恼,那只会是种折磨自己的方法之一。我只是没事做, 想练习一下我的华文。
还有,我发现最近看太多台湾偶像剧的结果是。。华语文文法便得很台湾腔噢! 糟糕!

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