Monday, September 25, 2006

"seed floating in the wind with no direction
Slowly fading away, it has no protection
Lands on the bank but sees no reflection
A choice must be made, life's intersection"
By Jarred Meteau

In my Economics lesson today, i learnt Scarcity, it forces us to make choices, when we decide to do anything, we are implicity deciding against doing something else. in other words, we are giving up an opportunity - the best alternative that we forgo, or give up when we make a choice or decision. yet, that doesnt mean the choices we make are bad. (:

somehow, i see at the end of an old country road lies a weeping willow, under it lies a man not of strength or power but of loss and pain. she made the right choice and decided to grow, but wasn't its choice to make, of this she did not know.

till then, we'll see.

Anyway, today is the 1st day of my Year 2 Sem 2 in SP.
i started to feel the pressure when the lecturer was giving out the lecture notes, i'm sure that there are more to come in this whole entire week.
To lie down now and die or to stand up now and fight, a choice is here for mi to make.

i know not the answer to my question, i onli know i question and i hope u'll standby mi. (:

till then, we'll see.

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