Saturday, October 08, 2005

7th month

7th oct. went to marina square and sat at starbucks for 2 hours, plainly doing nothing except had been peeping at this guy below :
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took cab to SLF building @ thomson Road for training.
met Gina and kaiwai @ far east for dinner. we planned to go China Black for party but i decided not to go for some reason and whatever happened, Gina ended up didnt go club also.

DEssie came to meet us @ orchard after work and we sat at starbucks again for about 2 to 3 hours? chit-chat, chilllled in the mid night and desmond lee seems to have a good impression about KiNa =p

waited for kaiwai to go home together after party and he was drunk *O* luckily the taxi driver stopped in time for kw to vomit, if not..

8th OCt. its our 7th month which means its 5 more months to the end of our trail contract. anyway, went to novena for dinner today.

waitting for food..
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Black pepper fried beef
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boneless chicken with Thai source
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Samba prawn
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Samba hmmm..Kang Kong
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Shrink fins and crabmeat soup

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gone as u blinked.ya.why did u blink?

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blame him.
haa! i felt completed with a McColosso ^^

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