Tuesday, August 15, 2006

i don't know whats wrong with mi now, i cant sleep until it hits almost 7am theses few days! -.-

i think i am kinda addicted to taiwan 偶像剧 recently and i just couldnt wait to watch finished the whole show once i started watching even knowing that the show wont run away if i take a break or take a nap in between, i just want to know what's gonna happen next! hohoho i watched 2 drama series in 3 days can!! both have got 30 episodes and 40 mins for each episode. of coz i skipped the boring parts. hahahaha
恶作剧之吻 & 深情密码,one super omg sweet drama and the other one so super saddening drama.
watched parts of 微笑Pasta too, this new drama is onli uploading 1 epi a week. -.- cant wait, must rent its vcds after exam!!
anyway, my study period is like holiday to mi, didnt touch my notes at all until tonight! i must stop youtubing and stuffs for tmr till friday! 我可以的啦。=X

went to plaza singapura yesterday to get the flute stuffs, the scores for 100 pop songs are damn ex can, total 52 bucks for scores that i nv will used to be playing, its not worth buying, yea, stupid act of mine.

and i regret meeting Mr.des!!!! i was so pissed off with him, really. His volume when critizing ME in the PUBLIC is NOT soft at all, it was DAMN LOUD in fact, probably he was wearing one side of his stupid nano earpiece, the train was in a total silence and even the idiot ones also can sense that ppl kept quiet because they were listening to wat he was saying!!
million of small pieces broken from my heart =.=
yes, he apologised for that and the GOOD thing is i am KIND enough to forgive him and besides the critizims i got from him, he gave mi this bouquet of handmade flowers. nice, sincerity that counts right. -.-
afterall, he's just a super straight-forward idiot that onli realised what went wrong after saying things in his mind.
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heart sharp kisss lipssss_^^
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