i am feeling so dizzy..so giddy for the whole morning..was it becoz i slept at 9.30pm yesterday night and woke up at 7am today? grrr.. i am dizzy becoz i slept too much!
yeah! england is down, sci is 1/3 down, emaths and amaths paper 1 are down too.
yeah! england is down! yeah! yeah! abit scare of my compo would be out of topic nia..hmmm
quite satisfied with emaths paper 1, easier than expected.
amaths.. hmmm didnt leave any blanks but i know i have made quite a lot of mistakes!!!!!! hmmmm.. not aiming a good grade for amaths anyway..hmmmm
aRGh>!>!>!>!>!>! more to go....
better rest well before continuing..arh!!!! so giddy..yet dare not to sleep..